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Grid Canopy

Grid Canopy
Grid Canopy
Grid Canopy
Grid Canopy
Grid Canopy
Grid Canopy
Grid Canopy
Grid Canopy
Grid Canopy
Grid Canopy
Grid Canopy
  • Product Code: Grid Canopy
Ex Tax: £0.00

Grid Canopies from ezoBord - Design Driven Acoustics.


Suspended ezoBord Grid Canopies bring an entirely new level of aesthetics to room acoustics. Hang a Grid Canopy in any space to control excess reverberation. Grid Canopies decrease reverberation, increase speech intelligibility and contribute to visual aspects of architectural spaces.

  • Full Range: Available in 30 standard colours.
  • Available sizes: Available in four lengths: 48" (1219mm), 60" (1524mm), 72" (1829mm), 84" (2134mm). Available in five widths: 48" (1219mm), 60" (1524mm), 72" (1829mm), 84" (2134mm), 96" (2438mm). Available in two heights: 6" (152mm), 10" (254mm).
  • Superior sound absorption characteristics: NRC: 0.85, SAA: 0.84, ASTM C423, 12mm material thickness.
  • Sustainability: Made from 100% polyester, approximately 50% of which is recycled water/soda bottles.
  • Installation: Shipped flat and easily assembled on site. Grid Canopies can be suspended from open deck ceilings or from standard T bar ceilings with optional adjustable hardware.
